

'Diffracted' is an infinite generative animation. Fields of lights warp and blend together in a gentle spatial composition. <br /> <br /> The algorithm determines the number of lights. The higher the value, the bigger potential for a more complex rendering.<br /> <br /> 'Diffracted' is available in a total of 21 palettes. <br /> <br /> <br /> The shape feature represents a planar object placed in space. This static element puts lights in context and broadens the meaning. Yet, the abstract and minimalistic form allows a wide range of interpretations.<br /> The shape is also related to the light source geometry, which results in subtle differences between the outputs.
Supply 128

Diffracted #34


Token Id FX0-1279508
Contract KT1U6EHmNxJTkvaWJ4ThczG4FSDaHC21ssvi
Marketplace fx(hash)
Editions 1
Mime Type application/x-directory
Minted 2022-11-09